Do NOT buy art as an investment

The Scream by Edvard Munch. Sold for $120mm at auction. And he made 3 others....
This will cost me some friends, but I can't stand it. Yes, my finger is wagging as I say it:
Do NOT buy art as an investment!

Reality: What's "hot" in art is like fashion, it comes & goes.
Often it comes again, but maybe not during YOUR lifetime.
I've watched two friends over the last decade acquire "important collections" (their words), then try to unload them. Circumstances changed, they wanted cash. RUDE awakening: their important collections wouldn't move. The gallerists of course had guaranteed to take back the works for resale at ANY time--but that is NOT a refund, not cash in hand.

More reality: There are FEW people qualified to buy art for investment. They are professionals, who devote HUGE amounts of time to studying the market.
That is not you, not me, and not 99.9% of gallerists. Really.

So back to my strategy at 6 yrs old: buy works that excite you, in a price range that is comfortable.
Embrace the importance and pleasure of having art in your life.
Set aside some cash, then have some FUN (unlike Edvard's poor guy).

Make a Mistake Every Day

Lea Feinstein recently counseled me: "If you don't make a mistake EVERY day you're not trying hard enough."  I adore Lea.

Several years ago Lea began painting on Tyvek, in MONUMENTAL scale on gigantic, ENDLESS roles of Tyvek. Her works are richly atmospheric with moods all over the spectrum. She's now doing wall sculptures as well as soft pieces and mounted works.  One of my personal favorites: she permanently mounted her her work on a client's CEILING--art as wallpaper--killer!

Lea is also a born teacher. Every Sunday she hosts a gathering in her studio to discuss art, work, and life over wine and entertaining conversation.
She inspires me to reach further, work harder, take more RISKS--make more mistakes.

Here's one mistake you should NOT make:
don't miss the chance to visit Lea's Sunday salon.
Click here to contact Lea for a Sunday visit

Lea rolls out a large work in progress
Art by Lea Feinstein; architecture by Dumican & Mosey

Lea with mounted painting on left; painting on unmounted Tyvek on right

Studies for new work above, inspiration images below

Lea's fabulous studio space

A Great Evening

Guest communing with kinetic sculpture by Nemo Gould
What a SHOW!
What a CROWD!
What a PARTY!

The artists of Oakland's Lost & Foundry Studios hosted an EXCELLENT gathering on Saturday evening, filled with art appreciators and even more artists from around the Bay Area.

Artists of the Foundry create engineered art using some righteous power tools and heavy equipment.  They generously opened up their studios with LOADS of wild & wonderful art to see, lots of LIVELY discourse, and plenty of COLD beer after a hot day.
The crew did a beautiful job setting up the space for viewing and socializing.

If you were not lucky enough to join in the merry-making, you should kick yourself.
(I told you to go.)
Below are a few pictures of the action you missed.
Contact any of the Foundry artists to purchase or learn more about their work:
click here for the Lost & Foundry Studios Facebook Page

You could've been having fun with this crowd at the Open Studio Party
Wall Sculpture, left, by Sean Orlando; Sconce, right, by Peter Kropf

Artist Daniel Yasmin explains 9000 year-old direct gating process to absorbed young guests

Guests enjoying some hands-on time with the art

detail of work by Nemo Gould
Studio workspace at Lost & Foundry 


A few lucky folks are gearing up for a spring trip soon.
Exercise CAUTION when buying art on your travels.
Avoid the hotel art gallery.
Avoid potentially pilfered relics, bad juju to bring home.
Skip those galleries lined up along the main drag that exist to cater to tourists.

Step away from your vacation euphoria and THINK about how the piece will look "back home"
--sometimes, away from its native context, a piece looks lame.

Stick to "souvenirs" that are small objects; handcrafts, even small sculptures are often a better choice than wall art when traveling.
If you collect a few small, endearing items you won't even care they were possibly made in a country other than the one you are visiting...

Tiny Persian Enamel Vases, sweet & easy to pack in your carry-on bag.

Ceramic Cactus from Italy, weird and amusing.

Sturdy carved Camel, also easy to pack & take home.

Carved Gourd, super easy to transport.

You can't go wrong bringing home SHELLS
(just make sure the creature has vacated FIRST-- I learned the hard way as a child coming home from Florida with a RIPE suitcase).

A Must See Show at Creativity Explored

Opening this Thur Mar 6 is Animal Menagerie -- a show at one of my FAVORITE places to buy art: Creativity Explored.
Personally I don't know another studio with as many artists working under ONE roof.  
Creativity Explored has wall art, paintings, drawings, prints, sculpture, textile art -- a HUGE array of something for EVERY buyer, from the diverse talents of over 150 artists! The price points are mostly under $50-- you can go home with your arms LOADED, no kidding.  There is some extraordinary work there.

I could claim I buy art there because Creativity Explored has a wonderful mission, providing studio space & support to artists who happen to be developmentally disabled.
But the truth is: I go because there's wicked good art.

Great art helps you see your world differently. Creativity Explored is BRIMMING with that art.

The show is on til April 16.
Go EARLY, go OFTEN, and buy a LOT!

Click here to see more art at Creativity Explored.
245 16th Street (at Guerrero St), San Francisco
Some of the Artists working at Creativity Explored:

Doris Yen
wall art by Sara O'Sullivan (from my Portfolio/San Francisco images)

John Patrick McKenzie
Miriam Mungia, detail of large textile hanging
Walter Kresnik

Studio at Creativity Explored